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রবিবার, ০৯ মার্চ ২০২৫, ০২:৪৮ পূর্বাহ্ন
শিরোনাম :
উখিয়ায় রোহিঙ্গা ক্যাম্পে দুই গ্রুপের গোলা গুলি যুবক নিহত অপহরণকারীদের ঘাঁটিতে যৌথ বাহিনীর অভিযান আটক ৩ বৈষম্যবিরোধী অথবা সমন্বয়ক পরিচয়ের এখন কোনো অস্তিত্ব নেই: নাহিদ ইসলাম আলোচিত কুখ্যাত ডাকাত আবুল খায়ের নারীসহ আটক সেন্টমার্টিন থেকে সাগরে নামল ১৮৩টি কাছিমের বাচ্চা  Rohingya woman married in London and harassed by filing false cases to take advantage of criminal activities টেকনাফ উপজেলা শ্রমিক দলের সাংগঠনিক সম্পাদক হলেন তাহের আহমদ নিশান রমজানে সি’গা’রে’ট বিক্রি না করায় দোকানদারকে মা’র’ধ’র ||Teknaf71.com নৌবাহিনীর যৌথ অ’ভি’যা’নে অ’প’হৃ’ত নারী ও শিশু সহ ১১ জন উদ্ধার।  টেকনাফে পাঁচশত হতদরিদ্রের মাঝে ইফতার সামগ্রী বিতরণ করেন হাজ্বী সোনা মিয়া ফাউন্ডেশন 

Rohingya woman married in London and harassed by filing false cases to take advantage of criminal activities

  • আপডেট সময় : বুধবার, ৫ মার্চ, ২০২৫
  • ১৪ বার পড়া হয়েছে

Own Reporter

He died at Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital after falling ill with a complex disease. After two years of the incident, false allegations were made against his relatives that he was killed in a planned manner. There are allegations against the Jamal syndicate, they are involved in Yaba – human trafficking and kidnapping rings and it is known that armed terrorists in the mountains are under their control.

Nurul Alam used to suffer from complex diseases for most of the year, in 2023, when his physical condition became critical, he was admitted to Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital. Later, the doctor on duty declared him dead while undergoing treatment.

Relatives said that such unknown allegations after three years are intentional, they are trying to frame us. Jamal is a resident of Sylhet district and a London expatriate. He has become the owner of crores of taka by smuggling Yaba and Rohingya women centered in the Rohingya camp. Jamal is smuggling Yaba from London to different parts of the country through Rohingya women. If we stop his activities, he will try to silence us by filing false cases against us.

It is known that the sister of the deceased Nurul Alam, Jannat Ara, stayed in London and married Jamal Chowdhury, a resident of Sylhet. The husband and wife are harassing their brothers, sisters and relatives in Bangladesh. The reason for the harassment is Jamal’s illegal business and the fact that Rohingya women are trafficked to different countries by making NIDs and detained and tortured. When the relatives find out, they threaten them with hill terrorists. When the next important people in the Rohingya camp are informed about the matter, Jamal remains silent, hoping for revenge from the syndicate. As a result, three years later, Jamal’s brother-in-law died of a complex disease. Jamal filed a false case in the Cox’s Bazar court, claiming that the brother-in-law’s death was capitalized on and planned to be killed.

Eyewitnesses and neighbors said that Nurul Alam had been suffering from various complex diseases for many years, and later died while undergoing treatment in the hospital. The allegations against those being made in this incident are false, baseless and part of a conspiracy drama. They are harassing us by filing this false case without being able to hatch any conspiracy against us. Every Rohingya in our Rohingya camp knows which disease he was suffering from. He regularly took medicine for his disease from the Rohingya camp’s drug store. This needs to be clarified. He died of that complex disease. What is the need to make a case against a dead person? This is a false case to benefit the interests of the Jamal syndicate. Our demand is to uncover the real facts through a fair investigation and withdraw the false case.

Faiz Ahmed, a boatman from Rohingya camp number 26 in Naya Para, said, “I know that Nurul Alam died of a complex disease in 2022, and the claim that is being made after so long is a complete conspiracy and a lie.”

When asked about the allegations against the main accused Jamal Chowdhury, he said, “I am not involved in any crime. It is true that I am marrying a Rohingya woman.” Jamal expressed his reluctance to say anything about whether the case is true or false.

In this regard, Camp In-Charge (CIC) No. 26 Abdul Hannan said that there is no basis for their activities. They themselves do not know what they say at any time. However, the matter is under investigation.

Police Inspector (CID) Sunil Kumar Das, the investigation officer of the case, said that the matter is under investigation. The CID will try to find out the truth of the incident and submit the investigation report to the court.

নিউজটি শেয়ার করুন..

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